Winter Driving Safety Tips

Few are off the hook when it comes to dangerous winter driving conditions: according to the Federal Highway Administration, 70% of the United States’ roads are in areas that receive 5 or more inches of snowfall a year. What’s more, during the coldest months, well over 100,000 people are injured annually in crashes on icy or […]

Beginner’s Guide to Home Automation

Smart Homes for Beginners Smart homes are a really neat idea, but is automating your home worth the time and money? These days, automating your home is easier than ever — and if you have a little extra time and surplus income — then the answer is yes. Long forecasted to be the wave of […]

Guide to Cyberbullying: Awareness and Prevention

What is cyberbullying and why is it so harmful? By allowing us to share our stories and communicate with friends, family, and strangers all across the world, the internet has changed forever. It would be impossible for many of us to regress to a pre-wired-in age. Yet, the shift towards a social media-centered existence hasn’t […]

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer means we can all get excited about relaxing in the sun and engaging in some of our favorite outdoor activities. However, with the extra sunlight, high temperatures and humidity come added health concerns — especially for at-risk groups like seniors. The statistics bear this out: A CDC study found that adults aged 65 and […]

Guide to Basic Gun Safety

Gun safety is the responsibility of the owner, and no one else. It’s also not something that should be taken lightly, since the destructive potential of firearms is huge. According to the CDC, 77 minors were killed by unintentional gun discharges in the U.S. in 2015. However, when the Associated Press and USA Today conducted […]

Summer Home Safety Tips

You’ve made it to summer. Now it’s time to kick back, enjoy the warm weather at BBQ’s and pool parties, and take that much needed vacation. Yet it’s important to remember that crime rates rise during the summer, as do traumatic injuries, so you should follow these tips to keep home safe and your family […]

Summer Driving Safety Tips

Free from ice patches and frigid temperatures, you might think that driving in the summer is a breeze compared to during the winter. On the contrary, the summer months of June, July, and August see 29% road deaths than winter months, making it the most dangerous driving season. The hazards of summer driving are less […]

Home Swimming Pool Safety

Smart pool owners understand that safety comes before everything. Having a backyard swimming pool makes your home the perfect place for family and friends to let loose on balmy summer afternoons, but brings its own set of safety risks and challenges requiring constant attention. Parents must be particularly observant, as drowning is the primary cause […]

Quick and Simple DIY Fixes to Common Household Security Issues

From burglars to fires to stampeding buffaloes, you never know what kind of situations you’ll have to deal with in your home. That’s why it’s so important to prepare in advance, since doing so can save a lot of money and headaches in the long run. While many are under the impression that there isn’t […]

Ultimate Guide to Disaster Preparedness

This guide summarizes the basics of disaster preparedness and safety best practices before, during, and after tornadoes, wildfires, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Nature’s most violent phenomena, these disasters are frequent in the U.S. and cause severe destruction and human fatalities each year. It’s important to plan for evacuations, prepare and protect your property, yourself, your families and […]